Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Husband Support

So last night I tell M, (beloved husband) that I might start a blog. His response was this:


M: Um, I thought you hated your information on the internet?
Me: Well, they will know my first name only.
M: But it will be about your everyday life. Isn’t that the point of a blog?
Me: Um, well, I’m gonna make it more interesting than that. And not tell them my name or where I live, (maybe).

And then I get all embarrassed and don’t tell him the rest because I find it presumptuous that I would have funny things to say about my weird head.

Anyway, I did think of more subheadings/topics including the following: Soapbox, (so I can rant about things) Things that go bump in the night, (I was thinking about calling it Vampires but then a bunch of tweeners might be googling Twilight and get me instead) ellie’s booze, Eleanore drinks, buttoned-up-hippie-style, Slightly Inappropriate but Newsworthy, and Very Inappropriate.

Share your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Post Post Post! There are some of us who are most interested in your daily life!


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